What is an ATR Document?

An ATR is a certificate used for the movement of goods between the European Union and Turkey.
Turkish Flag along a sea shore.

There are two important agreements between the EU and Turkey. One is the EU-Turkey Customs Union, which covers mainly industrial products. Steel, coal, and most agricultural products are covered by another: the free trade agreement between the EU and Turkey.

What Is an ATR?

An ATR certifies that the goods have been brought into free circulation in either the EU or Turkey, and have therefore already gone through all import procedures. An ATR is not a certificate of origin. 

Why Use an ATR?

When you use an ATR when you import something from Turkey, you don’t have to pay any duties. If you don’t use the ATR the normal non-EU customs duties apply. The same goes for exporting to Turkey. 

The ATR covers industrial goods only. For agricultural products and commodities like steel and coal, you need a EUR.1 document or EUR-MED certificate.

Where Can I Get an ATR?

Companies with the right permit can self-certify ATR documents. Customs Support has such a permit, so we can assist you with both the creation and validation of your ATR documents.

The Customs Authority in the EU will validate the ATR certificate and the export declaration.

A certified ATR certificate is valid for four months from the time it is issued by the Customs Authority.

What If I Have a Question, or Require Assistance?

If you have any questions about exporting to Turkey, ATR documents (or any other import or export documentation) you can contact one of our experts. They are happy to help.